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Welcome to the IEA's first online courses on energy efficiency indicators; which aligns perfectly with the Agency's modernisation agenda - to open our doors to work at becoming a truly global hub for clean energy and energy efficiency.

Energy efficiency is critical to overcoming the challenges facing the global energy system as we seek to ensure a secure, sustainable and affordable energy supply for citizens the world over. This is why the IEA is placing efficiency at heart of the global energy agenda. It is the one energy resource that every country possesses in abundance and is essential to addressing energy security, environmental and economic challenges. As such, energy efficiency is becoming a growing priority for policymakers around the world. Yet actions lag behind intentions and there is still vast untapped potential for realizing energy efficiency globally.

It has been proved that well-designed policy works well but we need strong data in order to implement good policy and drive energy efficiency improvements at a rate that is not currently happening. Better collection and analysis of energy efficiency data leads to better policy outcomes. The IEA works to train and build capacity, allow experiences to be shared and global progress to be tracked. In order to achieve this; training is required at a global scale.